Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
EMDR is a psychotherapy approach to help people heal from traumatic events, work through negative beliefs that people are stuck in, and provide relief from many forms of psychological stress. Many studies show that when using EMDR, individuals can process events and trauma that may have taken years to process with general psychotherapy. EMDR uses eye movements or bi-lateral stimulation to access a type of processing, similar to the one we experience in REM sleep.
EMDR consists of 8 phases of treatment: History & Treatment Planning, Preparation, Assessment, Desensitization, Installation, Body Scan, and Closure. The amount of time it takes to complete the phases varies from person to person based on history and needs.
EMDR stands out as one of the most extensively researched and scientifically validated methods for trauma treatment. Beyond being recognized as the top choice for addressing PTSD, it has demonstrated effectiveness in resolving various other issues, such as:
Anxiety and Panic
Phobias and Fears
Distressing Memories or Traumatic Experiences
Grief and Loss
Eating Disorders
Performance Anxiety
Nightmares and Insomnia
Chronic Pain
Addiction and Substance Abuse Issues
Dissociative Disorders
Self-esteem and Body Image Issues
Traumatic Grief
Stress Management
Relationship Difficulties
Significantly and Rapidly Reduces Distressing Symptoms:
When you think about the disturbing event, you will no longer feel controlled and dysregulated by it- it’s as if the volume has been turned down. You will feel empowered to confront, integrate, and live with past experiences, leading to long-lasting positive changes in behavior and perception.
Enhanced Emotional Well-being:By installing new positive beliefs about yourself, By improving emotional regulation and distress tolerance skills, you’ll gain insight and greater self-awareness, fostering resilience and promoting overall psychological well-being.
Personal Growth and Resilience:EMDR helps overcome maladaptive behavior patterns and negative thought patterns, ultimately leading to adaptive coping mechanisms and enhancing self-esteem and confidence.
Improved Interpersonal Relationships:
As internal healing happens, you’ll feel more regulated in your life and speak kinder to yourself. This leads to improvements in relationships and promotes healthy boundaries and communication.

How EMDR works
“During EMDR, attention will be given to a negative image, belief, and body feeling related a disturbing event, and then to a positive belief that would indicate the issue was resolved. While the client focuses on the upsetting event, the therapist will begin sets of side-to-side eye movements, sounds, or taps. The client will be guided to notice what comes to mind after each set. They may experience shifts in insight or changes in images, feelings, or beliefs regarding the event. The client has full control to stop the therapist at any point if needed. The sets of eye movements, sounds, or taps are repeated until the event becomes less disturbing.”
(EMDRIA, 2020)
If you are interested or have questions about EMDR, please do not hesitate to ask. I would be happy to discuss if EMDR would be right for your treatment.